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mardi 23 décembre 2014

[hal-01095781] From Habitat to Retina: Neural Population Coding using Natural Movies

Population retinal responses to natural stimuli is still anopen research field, nevertheless retinal ganglion cells(RGC) spatio-temporal correlations may be related topopulation coding (1). Here, we use a diurnal rodent retina(O. degus), which has the advantage of present a 3:1proportion of rods and cones (2), respectively, to study theRGC population responses to habitat-based natural stimuli.In order to do this, we have developed a mobile robot thatis capable to record movies in the natural habitat of thisrodent, simulating both his movements and the eye-grounddistance, which allows us to stimulate and record an invitro retina patch using MEA (multi electrode array) with asequence of images taken from the animal natural habitat.The analysis of spike statistics has been done using theEnas software (http://ift.tt/1AUYC2A) allowing tocharacterize spatio-temporal pairwise correlations, incontrast to e.g. Ising models, that analyze onlyinstantaneous spatial correlations.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1pxeyHF

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 01:32

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