GEIA (Global Emissions Inventory Activity), an integrating project of the AIMES (Analysis, Integration and Modeling of the Earth System) project of the International Geosphere Biosphere Program (IGBP) brings together people, analyses, data, and tools to: - Quantify the anthropogenic emissions and natural exchanges of trace gases and aerosols that drive earth system changes and - Facilitate use of this information by the research, assessment and policy communities. This presentation provides an overview of some of the latest global emission efforts and discusses how to make this information more readily available. Highlights include: - Data bases: data currently accessible through the GEIA portal; new information on IPCC emissions, past and future, being developed; and other international efforts on emissions - Reviews: upcoming updated overviews of state-of-the-science for man-made and natural sources - Catalogues: planned creation of a data base of papers and reports publicly available concerning emissions - New studies: improved understanding of biogenic emissions - Assessments: strategies to better integrate data from multiple countries - Wiki system: initiation of wiki-based system for emission information exchange
from HAL : Dernières publications
from HAL : Dernières publications
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