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dimanche 31 mai 2015

An Analysis of Patch Plausibility and Correctness for Generate-And-Validate Patch Generation Systems

An Analysis of Patch Plausibility and Correctness for Generate-And-Validate Patch Generation Systems Qi, Zichao; Long, Fan; Achour, Sara; Rinard, Martin We analyze reported patches for three existing generate-and-validate patch generation systems (GenProg, RSRepair, and AE). The basic principle behind generate-and-validate systems is to accept only plausible patches that produce correct outputs for all inputs in the test suite used to validate the patches. Because of errors in the patch evaluation infrastructure, the majority of the reported patches are not plausible -- they do not produce correct outputs even for the inputs in the validation test suite. The overwhelming majority of the reported patches are not correct and are equivalent to a single modification that simply deletes functionality. Observed negative effects include the introduction of security vulnerabilities and the elimination of desirable standard functionality. We also present Kali, a generate-and-validate patch generation system that only deletes functionality. Working with a simpler and more effectively focused search space, Kali generates at least as many correct patches as prior GenProg, RSRepair, and AE systems. Kali also generates at least as many patches that produce correct outputs for the inputs in the validation test suite as the three prior systems. We also discuss the patches produced by ClearView, a generate-and-validate binary hot patching system that leverages learned invariants to produce patches that enable systems to survive otherwise fatal defects and security attacks. Our analysis indicates that ClearView successfully patches 9 of the 10 security vulnerabilities used to evaluate the system. At least 4 of these patches are correct.

from Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) http://ift.tt/1EL5fEo

[hal-00773374] Conception robuste des roues aubagées désaccordées

Dans le domaine de la conception des roues aubage'es de turbomachines, de faibles variations dans les caractéristiques des aubes, du fait des tolérances de fabrication affectent la symétrie cyclique de la structure. Cette brisure de symétrie est appelée "desaccordage involontaire". L'une des conséquences de ce desaccordage involontaire sur le comportement dynamique des roues aubagees est une amplification des réponses forcees vibratoires. Pour réduire les niveaux d'amplification dynamique de la réponse forcée vibratoire des roues aubagees désaccordées involontairement une des solutions est d'effectuer un desaccordage dit "intentionnel" en modifiant les propriétés des matériaux de quelques aubes, les interfaces entre les aubes et le disque ou la forme de quelques aubes. Nous présentons dans ce papier un problème d'optimisation d'une roue aubagee en presence de desaccordage involontaire et en effectuant un desaccordage intentionnel. Le desacordage intentionnel est effectue en modifiant geometriquement certaines aubes. Le desaccordage involontaire est pris en compte par un modele probabiliste non parametrique permettant de prendre a' la fois en compte les incertitudes sur le modele et sur les parametres du probleme. Afin de reduire les couts en temps de calcul, un modele reduit est construit en utilisant la méthode de reduction de modeles de roues aubagees desaccordees par modification geometrique développee basee sur l'utilisation des modes cycliques de chaque type de secteur de la roue. Une optimisation de la repartition des aubes modifiees sur la circonference du disque est enfin effectuee et conduit a une conception de la roue aubagee d'application qui minimise les niveaux de la reponse forcee tout en etant robuste vis-a-vis des dispersions pouvant résulter du processus de fabrication.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1RBVod9

[hal-00550535] Modélisation non-paramétrique des incertitudes en vibroacoustique appliquée aux automobiles

La dispersion des Fonctions de Réponse en Fréquence vibroacoustiques est un phénomène que l'on peut observer pour la plupart des objets industriels ; elle traduit l'hypersensibilité dynamique des structures, couplées à celle des cavités, qui apparait dès lors que la densité modale dépasse un certain seuil. La modélisation se doit de prendre en compte ce fait avéré et dont l'effet ne peut être considéré comme négligeable. La modélisation étant imparfaite, elle induit elle-même des écarts par rapport à la réalité : incertitudes de modèle lui-même, résultat de la simplification inhérente à toute modélisation, et incertitudes des données du modèle. La modélisation non-paramétrique des incertitudes, s'appuyant sur un principe de maximum d'entropie, qui permet de modéliser globalement l'effet de ces différents types d'incertitude, a été appliquée avec succès à la modélisation des véhicules automobiles. Dans un premier temps, on rappelle le problème acoustique-structural d'un véhicule couplé à sa cavité intérieure et la manière dont on en déduit un modèle stochastique; les paramètres de dispersion sont enfin identifiés de façon à ce que le modèle représente au mieux la réalité. On propose ensuite une exploitation modale, puis énergétique du modèle stochastique, qui fait apparaitre quelques propriétés intéressantes.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1HXUxlj

[hal-00770401] Dynamique stochastique des structures élancées soumises aux charges de vent - Stochastic dynamics of slender structures subjected to random wind loading

On étudie la dynamique stochastique des structures élastiques schématisées par une poutre console soumise aux charges de vent. On se limite dans cette étude, aux déplacements dans le plan parallèle à la direction moyenne du vent. La structure du vent au voisinage du sol est celle d'une couche limite turbulente. On traite les problèmes numériques liés aux calculs des fonctions de répartition des valeurs extrêmes des observations sur une longue période donnée et on explicite un certain nombre d'expressions, afin de permettre une meilleure compréhension mécanique des phénomènes. On introduit un cadre fonctionnel qui permet, à partir des approximations numériques déterministes, d'expliciter clairement l'approximation stochastique et d'étudier la convergence.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1AFP7c4

[hal-00770402] Transformation quadratique d'un processus Gaussien et application à la dynamique stochastique - Quadratic transformation of a Gaussian process and its application to stochastic dynamics

L'objectif de cet article est la dynamique stochastique des structures élastiques à comportement linéaire, soumises au vent aléatoire, en tenant compte des termes non linéaires de la fluctuation du champ de vitesse du vent qui est modélisé par un champ stochastique Gaussien indexé en temps et en espace. L'approche requiert le calcul de la loi de probabilité d'un processus de Wishart en dimension infinie.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1crxukM

[hal-00687864] Probabilistic model of random uncertainties in structural dynamics for mistuned bladed disks

The mistuning of blades is frequently the cause of spatial localizations for the dynamic forced response in turbomachinery industry. The random character of mistuning requires the construction of probabilistic models of random uncertainties. A usual parametric probabilistic description considers the mistuning through the Young modulus of each blade. This model consists in mistuning blade eigenfrequencies, assuming the blade modal shapes unchanged. Recently a new approach known as a non-parametric model of random uncertainties has been introduced for modelling random uncertainties in elastodynamics. This paper proposes the construction of a non-parametric model which is coherent with all the uncertainties which characterize mistuning. As mistuning is a phenomenon which is independent from one blade to another one, the structure is considered as an assemblage of substructures. The mean reduced matrix model required by the non-parametric approach is thus constructed by dynamic substructuring. A comparative approach is also needed to study the influence of the non-parametric approach for a usual parametric model adapted to mistuning. A numerical exemple is presented.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1HDTfXt

vendredi 29 mai 2015

The Future of Online Graduate Education in 21st Century Research Universities

The Future of Online Graduate Education in 21st Century Research Universities Buttlar, William G. The nature and demand for graduate and undergraduate education is rapidly evolving. Some fields, such as Civil and Environmental Engineering, are closing in on requiring a Master’s degree or equivalent graduate coursework as a requirement for obtaining licensure to practice in the profession. Employers are looking to universities to provide additional professional or transferable skills to their graduate students, as evidenced by the rise in Professional Science Master’s and other professionally-oriented Master’s programs. Students are looking for ways to reduce or eliminate additional student loan debt as they pursue graduate degrees, and are hungry for opportunities to work while they pursue graduate certificates and degrees. The contemporary student expects to float seamlessly between synchronous and asynchronous learning environments, expects a flexible curriculum allowing interdisciplinary study, and expects teaching technologies and social media to be fully integrated into their collegiate educational and networking experience. These factors suggest that online undergraduate and graduate education will play a pivotal role in the transformation of the 21st century research university. This seminar will provide a case for the development and inclusion of online graduate STEM education at 21st century research universities, and will review lessons learned in developing and deploying ‘traditional’ online and massive open online courses (MOOCs) and programs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Preliminary findings from an ongoing NSF ECR grant will also be presented. Last-but-not-least, a call for collaboration amongst leading research universities in the area of online graduate education will be presented and discussed. Presented on May 26, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. in the Mason Building.; William G. Buttlar is a Professor and holds the title of Narbey Khachaturian Endowed Faculty Scholar in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also the founder and director of Online and Blended Programs in CEE at Illinois. He also serves on the campus MOOC Review Committee (which oversees Coursera RFP process – Provost appointed), the campus MOOC/Online Strategy Advisory Committee (Provost/Chancellor appointed).; Runtime: 71:09 minutes

from Theses online http://www.rssmix.com/

The Future of Online Graduate Education in 21st Century Research Universities

The Future of Online Graduate Education in 21st Century Research Universities Buttlar, William G. The nature and demand for graduate and undergraduate education is rapidly evolving. Some fields, such as Civil and Environmental Engineering, are closing in on requiring a Master’s degree or equivalent graduate coursework as a requirement for obtaining licensure to practice in the profession. Employers are looking to universities to provide additional professional or transferable skills to their graduate students, as evidenced by the rise in Professional Science Master’s and other professionally-oriented Master’s programs. Students are looking for ways to reduce or eliminate additional student loan debt as they pursue graduate degrees, and are hungry for opportunities to work while they pursue graduate certificates and degrees. The contemporary student expects to float seamlessly between synchronous and asynchronous learning environments, expects a flexible curriculum allowing interdisciplinary study, and expects teaching technologies and social media to be fully integrated into their collegiate educational and networking experience. These factors suggest that online undergraduate and graduate education will play a pivotal role in the transformation of the 21st century research university. This seminar will provide a case for the development and inclusion of online graduate STEM education at 21st century research universities, and will review lessons learned in developing and deploying ‘traditional’ online and massive open online courses (MOOCs) and programs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Preliminary findings from an ongoing NSF ECR grant will also be presented. Last-but-not-least, a call for collaboration amongst leading research universities in the area of online graduate education will be presented and discussed. Presented on May 26, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. in the Mason Building.; William G. Buttlar is a Professor and holds the title of Narbey Khachaturian Endowed Faculty Scholar in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also the founder and director of Online and Blended Programs in CEE at Illinois. He also serves on the campus MOOC Review Committee (which oversees Coursera RFP process – Provost appointed), the campus MOOC/Online Strategy Advisory Committee (Provost/Chancellor appointed).; Runtime: 71:09 minutes

from Georgia Tech Institutional Repository http://ift.tt/1FSKqMB

[hal-00633943] Découverte : le sens, structure fondamentale de la nature est formellement identifié via des formules mathématiques

Après vingt-quatre siècles de recherches, le sens ; structure fondamentale de la nature (appelé aussi " sens métaphysique "), a été isolé et formellement identifié via l'écrit. La représentation écrite du sens s'est révélée saisissable, comme un objet, entre deux ensembles délimités de formules aux spécificités identiques et inverses. L'un des ensembles est mathématique, l'autre est en langage courant. Le Sens a une fonction ; il a un effet structurant pour " fabriquer " la nature. Cet effet est de donner une direction à ce qu'il compose. Cette direction se retrouve dans la nature, dans le contenu des formules et dans l'aspect même de l'écriture. Les notions liées au Sens se sont unifiées d'elles mêmes en un ensemble complètement cohérent, formel et sans exception. Le sens conduit également à identifier la fonction cognitive naturelle de la logique ainsi que celle d'une autre faculté cognitive liée, qui saisit le sens. Il établit ainsi le lien nature - langage - faculté cognitive.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1FRrv4F

jeudi 28 mai 2015

The Impact of Philosophy and the Philosophy of Impact: A guide to charting more diffuse influences across time

The Impact of Philosophy and the Philosophy of Impact: A guide to charting more diffuse influences across time Briggle, Adam; Froderman, Robert; Holbrook, J. Britt Reflecting on the complexity of influence an individual research project can have, Adam Briggle, Robert Frodeman and Britt Holbrook try to get a handle on their own research activities and some of their impacts over the last few years. Their project led to a wide variety of results: scholarly articles, a forthcoming book, blogs and a number of ‘likes’ and ‘shares’. But what exactly is a share or a like? There is a need for further reflection on how philosophy – and the humanities more generally – can achieve broader impacts. Copyright 2011 LSE Impact of Social Sciences

from Theses online http://www.rssmix.com/

The Impact of Philosophy and the Philosophy of Impact: A guide to charting more diffuse influences across time

The Impact of Philosophy and the Philosophy of Impact: A guide to charting more diffuse influences across time Briggle, Adam; Froderman, Robert; Holbrook, J. Britt Reflecting on the complexity of influence an individual research project can have, Adam Briggle, Robert Frodeman and Britt Holbrook try to get a handle on their own research activities and some of their impacts over the last few years. Their project led to a wide variety of results: scholarly articles, a forthcoming book, blogs and a number of ‘likes’ and ‘shares’. But what exactly is a share or a like? There is a need for further reflection on how philosophy – and the humanities more generally – can achieve broader impacts. Copyright 2011 LSE Impact of Social Sciences

from Georgia Tech Institutional Repository http://ift.tt/1JWRWrl

[hal-01083059] Sur la ∇^{γ}-quantification

Le but de cet article est de donner un éclaircissement sur la ∇^{γ}-quanti…cation et de formuler des hypothèses différentes de celles énoncées dans les articles précédents. On présente une approche nouvelle de la ∇^{γ}-quanti…cation, notamment sur les équations d'’état et les équations d’évolution le long d’un champ chronologique.Dans les articles précédents on identi…fiait l'’opérateur de l'’équation d'’état et la notion d'’observable. Dans cette nouvelle approche, ces deux notions sont distinctes. On en déduit une équation d’'évolution des champs complexes le long d’un champ chronologique dont l’'opérateur Hamiltonien s'’écrit comme leproduit tensoriel d’'une connexion et d’'une section de Dirac.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1d12dWo


On veut à partir des équations de Dirac et de Schrödinger , reconstituer les équations d'evolution et d'état de Dirac-Einstein définies sur un fibré des etats quelconque. L' équation de Schrödinger est une équation d'évolution de rang 2 sur le fibré trivial d'espace total Ω × C, et l'equation de Dirac est une équation d'état de rang 1 sur le complexifié du fibré tangent d'espace total T Ω ⊗ C. Pour étudier l'équation relativiste d'Einstein sur le fibré des (2, 0)-tenseurs d'espace total Λ^2Ω, on est amené a définir un principe de moindre action sur les fibrés des états de Ω. Cette construction, nous amène à faire l'hypothèse que le complexifié de la connexion d'Einstein est le carré tensoriel de la connexion duale de Dirac, qui peut s'écrire ∇ einstein ⊕ i∇ einstein = ∇dirac*^ ⊗2 . On définit les Hamiltoniens H1 et H2 des équations d'état et d'évolution du fibré Λ ^2 Ω, la question qui reste ouverte est la suivante: " Peut-on écrire l'équation relativiste d'Einstein à partir de ces deux opérateurs ?

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1HNQfwT


We give some results on the notion about the space-time which allows to go through parts of the universe where lives a chronological field. This foliation enable a generalization of the Schrödinger equation and the Dirac-Weyl-Fock equation.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1HNJuIw

[hal-00986218] $\nabla^{\gamma }$-quantification des mesures physiques

Dans ce article, on propose un procédé de quantification des (p,q)-tenseurs.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1HNQfgx

mercredi 27 mai 2015

An Analysis of Patch Plausibility and Correctness for Generate-And-Validate Patch Generation Systems

An Analysis of Patch Plausibility and Correctness for Generate-And-Validate Patch Generation Systems Qi, Zichao; Long, Fan; Achour, Sara; Rinard, Martin We analyze reported patches for three existing generate-and-validate patch generation systems (GenProg, RSRepair, and AE). The basic principle behind generate-and-validate systems is to accept only plausible patches that produce correct outputs for all inputs in the test suite used to validate the patches. Because of errors in the patch evaluation infrastructure, the majority of the reported patches are not plausible --- they do not produce correct outputs even for the inputs in the validation test suite. The overwhelming majority of the reported patches are not correct and are equivalent to a single modification that simply deletes functionality. Observed negative effects include the introduction of security vulnerabilities and the elimination of desirable standard functionality. We also present Kali, a generate-and-validate patch generation system that only deletes functionality. Working with a simpler and more effectively focused search space, Kali generates at least as many correct patches as prior GenProg, RSRepair, and AE systems. Kali also generates at least as many patches that produce correct outputs for the inputs in the validation test suite as the three prior systems. We also discuss patches produced by ClearView, a generate-and-validate binary hot patching system that leverages learned invariants to produce patches that enable systems to survive otherwise fatal defects and security attacks. Our analysis indicates that ClearView successfully patches 9 of the 10 security vulnerabilities used to evaluate the system. At least 4 of these patches are correct.

from Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) http://ift.tt/1GE0Qch

Prophet: Automatic Patch Generation via Learning from Successful Human Patches

Prophet: Automatic Patch Generation via Learning from Successful Human Patches Long, Fan; Rinard, Martin We present Prophet, a novel patch generation system that learns a probabilistic model over candidate patches from a large code database that contains many past successful human patches. It defines the probabilistic model as the combination of a distribution over program points based on error localization algorithms and a parameterized log-linear distribution over modification operations. It then learns the model parameters via maximum log-likelihood, which identifies important characteristics of the successful human patches. For a new defect, Prophet generates a search space that contains many candidate patches, applies the learned model to prioritize those potentially correct patches that are consistent with the identified successful patch characteristics, and then validates the candidate patches with a user supplied test suite.

from Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) http://ift.tt/1LJIWF5

Automatic Discovery and Patching of Buffer and Integer Overflow Errors

Automatic Discovery and Patching of Buffer and Integer Overflow Errors Sidiroglou-Douskos, Stelios; Lahtinen, Eric; Rinard, Martin We present Targeted Automatic Patching (TAP), an automatic buffer and integer overflow discovery and patching system. Starting with an application and a seed input that the application processes correctly, TAP dynamically analyzes the execution of the application to locate target memory allocation sites and statements that access dynamically or statically allocated blocks of memory. It then uses targeted error-discovery techniques to automatically generate inputs that trigger integer and/or buffer overflows at the target sites. When it discovers a buffer or integer overflow error, TAP automatically matches and applies patch templates to generate patches that eliminate the error. Our experimental results show that TAP successfully discovers and patches two buffer and six integer overflow errors in six real-world applications.

from Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) http://ift.tt/1GE0T82

Simit: A Language for Physical Simulation

Simit: A Language for Physical Simulation Kjolstad, Fredrik; Kamil, Shoaib; Ragan-Kelley, Jonathan; Levin, David I.W.; Sueda, Shinjiro; Chen, Desai; Vouga, Etienne; Kaufman, Danny M.; Kanwar, Gurtej; Matusik, Wojciech; Amarasinghe, Saman Using existing programming tools, writing high-performance simulation code is labor intensive and requires sacrificing readability and portability. The alternative is to prototype simulations in a high-level language like Matlab, thereby sacrificing performance. The Matlab programming model naturally describes the behavior of an entire physical system using the language of linear algebra. However, simulations also manipulate individual geometric elements, which are best represented using linked data structures like meshes. Translating between the linked data structures and linear algebra comes at significant cost, both to the programmer and the machine. High-performance implementations avoid the cost by rephrasing the computation in terms of linked or index data structures, leaving the code complicated and monolithic, often increasing its size by an order of magnitude. In this paper, we present Simit, a new language for physical simulations that lets the programmer view the system both as a linked data structure in the form of a hypergraph, and as a set of global vectors, matrices and tensors depending on what is convenient at any given time. Simit provides a novel assembly construct that makes it conceptually easy and computationally efficient to move between the two abstractions. Using the information provided by the assembly construct, the compiler generates efficient in-place computation on the graph. We demonstrate that Simit is easy to use: a Simit program is typically shorter than a Matlab program; that it is high-performance: a Simit program running sequentially on a CPU performs comparably to hand-optimized simulations; and that it is portable: Simit programs can be compiled for GPUs with no change to the program, delivering 5-25x speedups over our optimized CPU code.

from Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) http://ift.tt/1GE0Qcd

[hal-01154705] Techniques d'ordre supérieur pour l'élimination d'exposants de Lyapunov fallacieux

Les techniques de reconstruction de l'espace des phases permettent de calculer des invariants d'orbite pour un système dynamique, à partir de la mesure d'une seule série temporelle. L'extraction de quantités dynamiques (telles que les exposants de Lyapunov) est fondée sur l'approximation du Jacobien local de la trajectoire dans l'espace tangent reconstruit. Cette approximation, bien souvent linéaire, conduit à des artefacts de calcul ; dans le cas du spectre de Lyapunov on trouve ainsi par cette méthode des exposants fallacieux, multiples des vrais. Nous verrons que l'utilisation d'approximations d'ordres supérieurs permet de remédier à ce problème et ainsi d'éliminer ces exposants fallacieux qui nuisent à l'interprétation des résultats.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1JVcBfo

samedi 23 mai 2015

An Analysis of Patch Plausibility and Correctness for Generate-And-Validate Patch Generation Systems (Supplementary Material)

An Analysis of Patch Plausibility and Correctness for Generate-And-Validate Patch Generation Systems (Supplementary Material) Qi, Zichao; Long, Fan; Achour, Sara; Rinard, Martin We analyze reported patches for three prior generate-and-validate patch generation systems (GenProg, RSRepair, and AE). Because of errors in the patch evaluation infrastructure, the majority of the reported patches violate the basic principle behind the design of these systems they do not produce correct outputs even for the inputs in the test suite used to validate the patches. We also show that the overwhelming majority of the accepted patches are not correct and are equivalent to a single modification that simply deletes functionality. We also present Kali, a generate-and-validate patch generation system that only deletes functionality. Working with a simpler and more effectively focused search space, Kali generates at least as many correct patches as prior GenProg, RSRepair, and AE systems. Kali also generates at least as many patches that produce correct outputs for the inputs in the validation test suite as the three prior systems. We also discuss the patches produced by ClearView, a generate-and-validate binary hot patching system that leverages learned invariants to produce patches that enable systems to survive otherwise fatal defects and security attacks. Our analysis indicates that ClearView successfully patches 9 of the 10 security vulnerabilities used to evaluate the system. At least 4 of these patches are correct.

from Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) http://ift.tt/1F83KBw

vendredi 22 mai 2015

Post mortem: death-related media rituals

Morse, Tal (2014) Post mortem: death-related media rituals. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1HmIKHK

The internationalisation of green technologies and the realisation of green growth

Carvalho, Maria (2015) The internationalisation of green technologies and the realisation of green growth. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1FHYme5

Essays on bicameral coalition formation: dynamics of legislative cooperation in the European Union

Obholzer, Lukas (2014) Essays on bicameral coalition formation: dynamics of legislative cooperation in the European Union. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1EnEFkm

Our sacred duty: the Soviet Union, the liberation movements in the Portuguese colonies, and the Cold War, 1961-1975

Telepneva, Natalia (2014) Our sacred duty: the Soviet Union, the liberation movements in the Portuguese colonies, and the Cold War, 1961-1975. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1AoZeSl

Global change and local economic restructuring: the case of Mexico City

Jiménez Godínez, Miguel Ángel (2015) Global change and local economic restructuring: the case of Mexico City. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1Q1fJWT

Participation in corporate governance

McGaughey, Ewan (2014) Participation in corporate governance. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1Q1fJWL

Actually existing neoliberalism: the reconstruction of downtown Beirut in post-civil war Lebanon

Makarem, Hadi (2014) Actually existing neoliberalism: the reconstruction of downtown Beirut in post-civil war Lebanon. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1AoWHYy

From No Work to Work? The Role of Job Placement and Skills Training services in assisting unemployment benefit II recipients find work under Germany’s Hartz IV welfare reforms

Brady, Anne (2014) From No Work to Work? The Role of Job Placement and Skills Training services in assisting unemployment benefit II recipients find work under Germany’s Hartz IV welfare reforms. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1FsupeS

Who runs the radio commons? The role of strategic associations in governing transnational common pool resources

Iordachescu, Irina (2015) Who runs the radio commons? The role of strategic associations in governing transnational common pool resources. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1GtL185

Is empowerment of disadvantaged populations achievable through housing policies? A study of the impact of social housing on the empowerment of the poor in Israel

Doron, Guy (2015) Is empowerment of disadvantaged populations achievable through housing policies? A study of the impact of social housing on the empowerment of the poor in Israel. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1GtKVxc

To be or to become? An enquiry into the changing nature of requirements in open source health IT

Curto-Millet, Daniel (2014) To be or to become? An enquiry into the changing nature of requirements in open source health IT. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1LsOqnr

Quantifying environmental indicators and assessing performance in tropical forest management

Collins, Murray (2015) Quantifying environmental indicators and assessing performance in tropical forest management. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1LsOnbr

Prisoners of war and civilian internees captured by British and Dominion forces from the German colonies during the First World War

Murphy, Mahon (2014) Prisoners of war and civilian internees captured by British and Dominion forces from the German colonies during the First World War. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1ekAAsn

States of extraction: impacts of taxation on statebuilding in Angola and Mozambique, 1975-2013

Anderson, Emily (2014) States of extraction: impacts of taxation on statebuilding in Angola and Mozambique, 1975-2013. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1c97J8N

jeudi 21 mai 2015


On veut à partir des équations de Dirac et de Schrödinger , reconstituer les équations d'evolution et d'état de Dirac-Einstein définies sur un fibré des etats quelconque. L' équation de Schrödinger est une équation d'évolution de rang 2 sur le fibré trivial d'espace total Ω × C, et l'equation de Dirac est une équation d'état de rang 1 sur le complexifié du fibré tangent d'espace total T Ω ⊗ C. Pour étudier l'équation relativiste d'Einstein sur le fibré des (2, 0)-tenseurs d'espace total Λ^2Ω, on est amené a définir un principe de moindre action sur les fibrés des états de Ω. Cette construction, nous amène à faire l'hypothèse que le complexifié de la connexion d'Einstein est le carré tensoriel de la connexion duale de Dirac, qui peut s'écrire ∇ einstein ⊕ i∇ einstein = ∇dirac*^ ⊗2 . On définit les Hamiltoniens H1 et H2 des équations d'état et d'évolution du fibré Λ ^2 Ω, la question qui reste ouverte est la suivante: " Peut-on écrire l'équation relativiste d'Einstein à partir de ces deux opérateurs ?

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1FEpNFA

mercredi 20 mai 2015

Where responsibility lies: corporate social responsibility and campaigns for the rights of workers in a global economy

Timms, Jill (2012) Where responsibility lies: corporate social responsibility and campaigns for the rights of workers in a global economy. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1PVWVIx

mardi 19 mai 2015

A (Truly) Local Broadcast Layer for Unreliable Radio Networks

A (Truly) Local Broadcast Layer for Unreliable Radio Networks Lynch, Nancy; Newport, Calvin In this paper, we implement an efficient local broadcast service for the dual graph model, which describes communication in a radio network with both reliable and unreliable links. Our local broadcast service offers probabilistic latency guarantees for: (1) message delivery to all reliable neighbors (i.e., neighbors connected by reliable links), and (2) receiving some message when one or more reliable neighbors are broadcasting. This service significantly simplifies the design and analysis of algorithms for the otherwise challenging dual graph model. To this end, we also note that our solution can be interpreted as an implementation of the abstract MAC layer specification---therefore translating the growing corpus of algorithmic results studied on top of this layer to the dual graph model. At the core of our service is a seed agreement routine which enables nodes in the network to achieve "good enough" coordination to overcome the difficulties of unpredictable link behavior. Because this routine has potential application to other problems in this setting, we capture it with a formal specification---simplifying its reuse in other algorithms. Finally, we note that in a break from much work on distributed radio network algorithms, our problem definitions (including error bounds), implementation, and analysis do not depend on global network parameters such as the network size, a goal which required new analysis techniques. We argue that breaking the dependence of these algorithms on global parameters makes more sense and aligns better with the rise of ubiquitous computing, where devices will be increasingly working locally in an otherwise massive network. Our push for locality, in other words, is a contribution independent of the specific radio network model and problem studied here.

from Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) http://ift.tt/1GmKSmA

[tel-00683632] Développement de méthodes multi-échelles pour la simulation numérique des écoulements réactifs diphasiques

L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer des méthodes numériques dans un code de simulation numérique direct contenant une méthode de suivi Lagrangien de phase disperse. Ces méthodes numériques ont permis d'optimiser le suivi Lagrangien parallèle des gouttes afin de pouvoir simuler de très grands domaines. Un algorithme de gestion des collisions entre les gouttes a aussi été développé et mis en place ainsi qu'une procédure permettant d'intégrer des corps immergés de formes quelconques. Ces méthodes numériques ont permis d'effectuer des simulations de référence et d'obtenir des statistiques détaillées de diverses configurations telles que le croisement de jets de gouttes qui se collisionnent ou bien la propagation d'un front de flamme dans un spray évaporant. La comparaison de ces caractéristiques avec les mêmes simulations où la prise en charge du spray était effectuée par une méthode Eulérienne multi-fluide ont été faites. Les très bonnes concordances qualitatives et quantitatives entre les prises en charge Lagrangiennes et Eulériennes ont permis de montrer les capacités du modèle Eulérien à rendre compte de phénomènes physiques complexes. Ce modèle Eulérien permettra de bien meilleurs scaling lors de son portage sur des architectures massivement parallèles.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1Ki0ZnU

samedi 16 mai 2015

[hal-00976517] 2 – la Modification minimale à apporter à la relativité restreinte pour qu'elle supporte l'expérience d'aller et retour d'un cylindre en rotation

Pour échapper à la contradiction engendrée en relativité restreinte par l'expérience d'aller et retour d'un cylindre élastique en rotation, on montre la nécessité d'ajouter au modèle l'existence d'un espace galiléen particulier, l'espace isotrope local, relativement auquel le Ciel lointain est statistiquement isotrope, et de considérer comme objectives la simultanéité et les déformations lorentziennes relatives à cet espace. Cela implique de renoncer au principe de relativité sous sa forme la plus absolue, s'étendant même aux lois de la physique que nous ne connaissons pas encore. Il est toutefois remplacée par une forme " faible ". La transformation de Lorentz n'est alors plus déductible du principe de relativité et de l'invariance de la vitesse de la lumière. Mais on montre que la contraction des longueurs de Lorentz et de Fitzgerald peut être considérée comme le moyen par lequel la matière au repos conserve une structure ondulatoire identique - ou plutôt isomorphe - à ce qu'elle est quand sa vitesse est autre, et que le ralentissement lorentzien de son rythme en découle. En choisissant pour instrument de mesure des longueurs la règle au repos relativement à l'espace galiléen de référence, pour instrument de mesure des durées le rythme de la matière au repos relativement à cet espace, pour définition de la simultanéité la simultanéité-lumière relative à cet espace, on démontre que la lumière, dont la vitesse n'a été supposée valoir C que relativement à l'espace isotrope, va à la vitesse C relativement à tout espace galiléen, et on établit que les changements de coordonnées entre les espaces galiléens sont des transformations de Lorentz de paramètre C.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1K7Dqvi

mercredi 13 mai 2015

[halshs-00183267] La place des principes dans la physique mathématique au sens de Poincaré

Nous nous proposons de tenter de comprendre comment Henri Poincaré, qui était en premier lieu et avant tout mathématicien, s'est trouvé porté vers la théorie physique envisagée comme une élaboration spécifique, qui ne se ramène pas à une simple application des mathématiques. Nous verrons ainsi comment la “physique mathématique”, à laquelle une importante partie de son œuvre est consacrée, comprend aussi bien la physique mathématique au sens propre que la physique théorique. L'évocation de ses travaux dans différents domaines nous fera voir comment l'outil mathématique des équations aux dérivées partielles - dont l'emploi définit la nature de la physique mathématique en tant que type de représentation - est mis en œuvre dans des questions de physique toujours considérées dans leur spécificité. La diversité des objets considérés, et celle des méthodes employées - en fonction de ces objets et du but à atteindre - permet de parler des physiques mathématiques de Poincaré, le pluriel ne s'opposant pas à une certaine unité de la physique (mathématique) telle qu'il la conçoit.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1Jc2ORL

lundi 11 mai 2015


On veut à partir des équations de Dirac et de Schrödinger , reconstituer les équations d'evolution et d'état de Dirac-Einstein définies sur un fibré des etats quelconque. L' équation de Schrödinger est une équation d'évolution de rang 2 sur le fibré trivial d'espace total Ω × C, et l'equation de Dirac est une équation d'état de rang 1 sur le complexifié du fibré tangent d'espace total T Ω ⊗ C. Pour étudier l'équation relativiste d'Einstein sur le fibré des (2, 0)-tenseurs d'espace total Λ^2Ω, on est amené a définir un principe de moindre action sur les fibrés des états de Ω. Cette construction, nous amène à faire l'hypothèse que le complexifié de la connexion d'Einstein est le carré tensoriel de la connexion duale de Dirac, qui peut s'écrire ∇ einstein ⊕ i∇ einstein = ∇dirac*^ ⊗2 . On définit les Hamiltoniens H1 et H2 des équations d'état et d'évolution du fibré Λ ^2 Ω, la question qui reste ouverte est la suivante: " Peut-on écrire l'équation relativiste d'Einstein à partir de ces deux opérateurs ?

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1RuJGC4

[hal-01114487] Quantification des fibrés des états.

On se propose de quantifier les fibrés hermitiens à fibre séparable. On s'intéresse à la quantification d'un état de l'univers Ω en généralisant l'axiomatique de quantification aux sections du fibrés. Ensuite, on se propose de donner un procédé de quantification, en faisant intervenir l'espace Bose-Fermi-Fock. On définit deux types de quantification. La premier procédé se fait fibre à fibre en s'appuyant sur le travail de Monsieur Arai. Pour le second procédé, on fait intervenir une forme volume induite par une métrique riemannienne. On introduit la notion d'espace de Sobolev et la notion d'opérateur diagonalisable pour décrire ce dernier procédé. Cela permet de quantifier l'équation d'évolution définie sur le fibré des états qui correspond à l'équation de Schrödinger sur les fibrés.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1PdzsHI

mercredi 6 mai 2015

[hal-00654931] La Nahe-geometrie comme solution au problème de l'espace

Cette intervention avait pour but de mettre en valeur l'unité de la pensée d'Hermann Weyl dans les années 1917-1923, à propos du concept d'espace. On prend dans cet article "problème de l'espace" au sens de ce qu'Hermann Weyl appelle "problème philosophique de l'espace", par opposition au "problème mathématique de l'espace". Autrement dit, le problème est d'exhiber les sources de la connaissance géométrique. Nous montrons que la pensée d'Hermann Weyl est, de ce point de vue ambigüe, en ce qu'elle présente une notion mathématique et une notion physique d'espace. Dès lors, la question de l'unité de la pensée de Weyl passe par une interrogation sur les liens entre mathématique et physique au sein du savoir géométrique. La notion de "Nahegeometrie" est la clef chez Weyl pour traiter ce problème.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1JqYrAf

Who cares for our children matters: early maternal employment, early childcare, and child development in Chile

Narea, Marigen (2015) Who cares for our children matters: early maternal employment, early childcare, and child development in Chile. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1PoAr2q

mardi 5 mai 2015

Non-Essential Communication in Mobile Applications

Non-Essential Communication in Mobile Applications Rubin, Julia; Gordon, Michael I.; Nguyen, Nguyen; Rinard, Martin This paper studies communication patterns in mobile applications. Our analysis shows that 65% of the HTTP, socket, and RPC communication in top-popular Android applications from Google Play have no effect on the user-observable application functionality. We present a static analysis that is able to detect non-essential communication with 84%-90% precision and 63%-64% recall, depending on whether advertisement content is interpreted as essential or not. We use our technique to analyze the 500 top-popular Android applications from Google Play and determine that more than 80% of the connection statements in these applications are non-essential.

from Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) http://ift.tt/1EPuskv

Agreements that restrict competition by object under Article 101(1) TFEU: past, present and future

King, Saskia (2015) Agreements that restrict competition by object under Article 101(1) TFEU: past, present and future. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1ENC1s2

lundi 4 mai 2015


On veut à partir des équations de Dirac et de Schrödinger , reconstituer les équations d'evolution et d'état de Dirac-Einstein définies sur un fibré des etats quelconque. L' équation de Schrödinger est une équation d'évolution de rang 2 sur le fibré trivial d'espace total Ω × C, et l'equation de Dirac est une équation d'état de rang 1 sur le complexifié du fibré tangent d'espace total T Ω ⊗ C. Pour étudier l'équation relativiste d'Einstein sur le fibré des (2, 0)-tenseurs d'espace total Λ^2Ω, on est amené a définir un principe de moindre action sur les fibrés des états de Ω. Cette construction, nous amène à faire l'hypothèse que le complexifié de la connexion d'Einstein est le carré tensoriel de la connexion duale de Dirac, qui peut s'écrire ∇ einstein ⊕ i∇ einstein = ∇dirac*^ ⊗2 . On définit les Hamiltoniens H1 et H2 des équations d'état et d'évolution du fibré Λ ^2 Ω, la question qui reste ouverte est la suivante: " Peut-on écrire l'équation relativiste d'Einstein à partir de ces deux opérateurs ?

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1DOQjo4

samedi 2 mai 2015

[halshs-00377077] Henri Poincaré et l'espace-temps conventionnel

Dans les années 1890, Henri Poincaré élabora une doctrine de l'espace selon laquelle la géométrie de l'espace physique est conventionnelle. Suite à la découverte de la théorie de la relativité en 1905, Poincaré a été amené à affirmer la nécessité d'une nouvelle convention, dans laquelle la géométrie de l'espace est remplacé par celle de l'espace-temps.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1DS9Vt0

vendredi 1 mai 2015

Markov Chain Hallway and Poisson Forest Environment Generating Distributions

Markov Chain Hallway and Poisson Forest Environment Generating Distributions Richter, Charles; Vega-Brown, William; Roy, Nicholas We document two environment-generating distributions used for sampling random 2D maps. The first generates random hallway environments based on a Markov chain and the second generates random forest environments based on the Poisson distribution.

from Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) http://ift.tt/1FELkMK

Law, state and society in the PRC: a case study of family planning regulations implementation at grassroots level in rural China

Zhang, Zhanwei (2015) Law, state and society in the PRC: a case study of family planning regulations implementation at grassroots level in rural China. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1dBqO4O

Exploring Disciplinary Metadata and Documentation Practices to Support Data Reuse Dataset

Exploring Disciplinary Metadata and Documentation Practices to Support Data Reuse Dataset Rolando, Lizzy; Young, Karen; Frizzell, Matt; Doshi, Ameet; Li, Lisha; Valk, Alison Whether to comply with funding agency requirements or to share freely with others, researchers increasingly deposit data into repositories for long-term preservation and access. In 2010, the Georgia Tech Library first rolled out our research data services, eventually establishing a data archiving service where researchers could deposit small, final datasets into our institutional repository SMARTech. As the rate of data deposit increases, and the Library accepts research data from a wider array of disciplines, we want to ensure that deposited research data are adequately described and documented. Because datasets are rarely self-describing or uniformly structured like publications, additional metadata is necessary to make certain that the data can be used in the future. Like many of our peers, Georgia Tech now asks data depositors to provide a “README” file with their deposit, in order to capture this additional metadata. This is particularly important since our repository currently only supports Dublin Core metadata, which cannot hold the full breadth of metadata needed for most datasets. We provide depositors with a “README” template , to provide guidance as to the types of supplemental metadata the repository hopes to capture. However, we have noticed that the generic, one-size-fits-all template does not adequately meet the needs of our community. For some researchers, the template does not address vital pieces of documentation, and for others, the template includes too much information that is not relevant to their dataset. While recognizing that our patrons’ individual needs will continue to vary widely even within their discipline, we sought to create more specialized “README” templates, based on discipline and data type, to better accommodate disciplinary differences. For example, a biologist preparing a dataset for deposit would receive a template designed with biologists and standard forms of biological data in mind, including metadata standards like Darwin Core or Ecological Metadata Language. This template would differ from one given to a Materials Scientist, who would have a template with metadata fields specific to Materials Engineering. In order to create specialized metadata templates, a group of librarians with diverse but complementary skills and experiences convened to explore differences in metadata creation and use. Members of the project team included subject librarians, the research data librarian, and the repository metadata librarian. Through a combination of document analysis, interviews with researchers, and exploration of existing standards, the Library has begun to determine the level of specialized, structured metadata that can be collected and indexed in the repository, as well as the amounts and forms of supplemental information that will need to be captured in a “README.” The datasets below were collected in support of this project.

from Theses online http://www.rssmix.com/

Toward effective health technology regulation

Sorenson, Corinna (2015) Toward effective health technology regulation. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1dARrXt

Essays in financial economics

Kuong, John (2014) Essays in financial economics. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1ApC0X8

Exploring Disciplinary Metadata and Documentation Practices to Support Data Reuse Dataset

Exploring Disciplinary Metadata and Documentation Practices to Support Data Reuse Dataset Rolando, Lizzy; Young, Karen; Frizzell, Matt; Doshi, Ameet; Li, Lisha; Valk, Alison Whether to comply with funding agency requirements or to share freely with others, researchers increasingly deposit data into repositories for long-term preservation and access. In 2010, the Georgia Tech Library first rolled out our research data services, eventually establishing a data archiving service where researchers could deposit small, final datasets into our institutional repository SMARTech. As the rate of data deposit increases, and the Library accepts research data from a wider array of disciplines, we want to ensure that deposited research data are adequately described and documented. Because datasets are rarely self-describing or uniformly structured like publications, additional metadata is necessary to make certain that the data can be used in the future. Like many of our peers, Georgia Tech now asks data depositors to provide a “README” file with their deposit, in order to capture this additional metadata. This is particularly important since our repository currently only supports Dublin Core metadata, which cannot hold the full breadth of metadata needed for most datasets. We provide depositors with a “README” template , to provide guidance as to the types of supplemental metadata the repository hopes to capture. However, we have noticed that the generic, one-size-fits-all template does not adequately meet the needs of our community. For some researchers, the template does not address vital pieces of documentation, and for others, the template includes too much information that is not relevant to their dataset. While recognizing that our patrons’ individual needs will continue to vary widely even within their discipline, we sought to create more specialized “README” templates, based on discipline and data type, to better accommodate disciplinary differences. For example, a biologist preparing a dataset for deposit would receive a template designed with biologists and standard forms of biological data in mind, including metadata standards like Darwin Core or Ecological Metadata Language. This template would differ from one given to a Materials Scientist, who would have a template with metadata fields specific to Materials Engineering. In order to create specialized metadata templates, a group of librarians with diverse but complementary skills and experiences convened to explore differences in metadata creation and use. Members of the project team included subject librarians, the research data librarian, and the repository metadata librarian. Through a combination of document analysis, interviews with researchers, and exploration of existing standards, the Library has begun to determine the level of specialized, structured metadata that can be collected and indexed in the repository, as well as the amounts and forms of supplemental information that will need to be captured in a “README.” The datasets below were collected in support of this project.

from Georgia Tech Institutional Repository http://ift.tt/1c2dyFK

The institutionalisation of the European defence equipment market

Muravska, Julia (2014) The institutionalisation of the European defence equipment market. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

from LSE Theses Online: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited. http://ift.tt/1GMxJof


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