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lundi 10 novembre 2014

[hal-00976044] Test of the Universality of the Three-Body Efimov Parameter at Narrow Feshbach Resonances

We measure the critical scattering length for the appearance of the first three-body bound state, or Efimov three-body parameter, at seven different Feshbach resonances in ultracold 39K atoms. We study both intermediate and narrow resonances, where the three-body spectrum is expected to be determined by the nonuniversal coupling of two scattering channels. Instead, our observed ratio of the three-body parameter with the van der Waals radius is approximately the same universal ratio as for broader resonances. This unexpected observation suggests the presence of a new regime for three-body scattering at narrow resonances.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1pxeyHF

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 13:37

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