In this work I have considered the geometrical properties of the domains found in the Ising model. Those domains are regions where the spins have the same value. In addition to the properties such as magnetisation and magnetic susceptibility, it is interesting to study the domains' structure and this is done naturally within percolation theory. In this thesis, I considered several situations concerning spin domains be it in equilibrium or out of equilibrium. I studied the dynamics of domains after critical or sub-critical quenches. For critical quenches the dynamical scaling has been carefully checked and the influence of the equilibrium properties on the dynamics has been shown. For sub-critical quenches we have considered both critical and infinite temperature initial conditions. We have shown that for critical initial condition the probability that the system ends up in a stripe state is exactly the probability that a spin cluster percolates initially. For the infinite temperature initial condition, we have discovered a transient regime which brings very quickly the system to a state similar to critical percolation. In equilibrium at the critical temperature we obtained an exact formula for the wrapping probabilities of Ising spin clusters on a system with periodic boudary conditions. We have also studied the critical behaviour of the Ising model with long-range interactions with a special interest to the cross-over between the long-range and short-range regimes.
from HAL : Dernières publications
from HAL : Dernières publications
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