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dimanche 29 mars 2015

[hal-01136079] CEDIMS: cloud ethical DICOM image Mojette storage

Dicom images of patients will necessarily been stored in Clouds. However, ethical constraints must apply. In this paper, a method which provides the two following conditions is presented: 1) the medical information is not readable by the cloud owner since it is distributed along several clouds 2) the medical information can be retrieved from any sufficient subset of clouds In order to obtain this result in a real time processing, the Mojette transform is used. This paper reviews the interesting features of the Mojette transform in terms of information theory. Since only portions of the original Dicom files are stored into each cloud, their contents are not reachable. For instance, we use 4 different public clouds to save 4 different projections of each file, with the additional condition that any 3 over 4 projections are enough to reconstruct the original file. Thus, even if a cloud is unavailable when the user wants to load a Dicom file, the other 3 are giving enough information for real time reconstruction. The paper presents an implementation on 3 actual clouds. For ethical reasons, we use a Dicom image spreaded over 3 public clouds to show the obtained confidentiality and possible real time recovery.

from HAL : Dernières publications http://ift.tt/1GsHZ3k

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 23:51

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