Coherent population trapping CPT of metal-alkali atoms is an interesting technique for the development of compact atomic frequency references it relies on the excitation of the atoms by two phase-coherent laser fields We describe the design and operation of an innovating dual-frequency laser source dedicated to Cs CPT atomic clocks based on the direct dual-frequency and dual-polarization operation of an optically-pumped semiconductor laser at 852 nm The phase noise of beatnote generated by the laser source is at maximum of -90 dBrad²/Hz with active stabilization and the relative intensity noise RIN has been measured at -115 dB/Hz It would potentially results in a clock frequency stability of 16 10^-12 at 1 second limited by the laser RIN With proper adjustments in the laser and clock set-up we target a stability of 310^-13 at 1 second
from HAL : Dernières publications
from HAL : Dernières publications
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